Saturday, October 10, 2015

10/10 update

I really need to update this more often!

Heading Down The Long Road (book 4 in The Long Road series) is moving along. Chapter 19 has been posted and I'm currently working on chapter 20.

In my Wednesday Brief story, Evan's Woodworking, which is a prequel to Love Across Time the characters have hit a rough patch which is going to take a lot of courage and patience to get them through.

A new short story, The Firefighter and the Marine, will be appearing in the Men In Uniform anthology coming 12/17 from Wayward Ink Publishing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

5/12 Update

As I stated in my earlier update, Heading Down The Long Road is moving along. Chapter 15 has been posted and I'm currently working on chapter 16.

I've also created a new blog featuring a series of models, I believe, that closely resemble how the characters look in my mind. You can find it here.

My former Wednesday Brief story, Love Across Time has been given it's own menu button. I have started a new Wednesday Brief story, Evan's Woodworking, which is a prequel to Love Across Time where we meet Ethan and his brothers and sister and learn a little about their backgrounds.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Wow, I can't believe I actually forgot about updating this blog.

My Wednesday Briefs story, Love Across Time, is finished. I may end up expanding it and polishing it up for submitting to a publisher. This may or may not happen... I have written a Christmas story, Love Across Time - Recovering Lost Traditions which may or may not get a sequel.

Work is progressing slowly on Heading Down The Long Road, but I have more time now so I can really dig into it and get it finished.

In my last post I had mentioned working on a Gay Pride flash (story of 500-1000 words). It's called Handi-capable and it takes placed on a gay cruise. As with Love Across Time, I may expand and polish it for possible publication.

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